When a runtime or design-time error occurs in an application, ASP.NET shows a default error page that gives a brief description of the error along with the line number on which the error occurred. A developer would want to view this default error page during the testing of the application since the description helps him in rectifying the error.
This lab provides information about how to work with the Web.config file and how to overcome the default error messages of the ASP.NET application.

To perform this lab you should have sound knowledge of the Web.config file. The Web.config file contains the settings of an application. An application can have more than one Web.config file.
.NET Configuration Management and Secure Code Review
Secure Programming Exercises / .NET Configuration Management and Secure Code Review contains the following Exercises:
- Secure Error Messages with Custom Errors
- Leaving Tracing Enabled
- Cookies Accessible through the Client-Side Script
- Enabled Cookieless Authentication
- Vulnerability in Setting SlidingExpiration Attribute
- Securing Against XSS Attacks
- Using Hardcoded Credentials
- Securing Against DoS Attacks
The Virtual Private Cloud for this Lab set utilizes:
Secure Programming Exercises are available as part of the following subscription:
Each subscription provides 6 months access to 68 Different Exercises. Each exercise contains a Scenario, Objectives, and individual step by step tasks to guide the user through all steps necessary to complete the exercise. The Secure Programming Exercises are designed to give the user an ultimate hands-on experience. Each exercise category above has it’s own Virtual Private Cloud that comes preconfigured with Vulnerable websites, Victim Machines, and the environment is LOADED with tools. Included in your network share are all the supporting tools required to practice in the Cyber Range / Lab environment.
Lab exercises are included for:
- Input Validation and Output Encoding
- .NET Authentication and Authorization
- Secure Session and State Management
- .NET Cryptography
- .NET Error Handling, Auditing, and Logging
- .NET Secure File Handling
- .NET Configuration Management and Secure Code Review