A virus is a self-replicating program that produces its own code by attaching copies of it onto other executable codes. Some viruses affect computers as soon as their codes are executed; others lie dormant until a predetermined logical circumstance is met.
- Create viruses using tools
- Create worms using worm generator tool
Since you are an expert Ethical Hacker and Penetration Tester, the IT director will instruct you to test the network for any viruses and worms that damage or steal the organization's information. You will construct viruses and worms and try to inject them in a dummy network (virtual machine) and check whether they are detected by antivirus programs or are able to bypass the network firewall.
Viruses and Worms Exercises
Ethical Hacking Exercises / Viruses and Worms contains the following Exercises:
- Creating a Virus Using the JPS Virus Maker Tool
- Virus analysis using IDA Pro
- Virus Analysis Using OllyDbg
- Creating a Worm Using the Internet Worm Maker Thing
The Virtual Private Cloud for this Lab set utilizes:
Ethical Hacking Exercises are available as part of the following subscription:
The Exercises in this lab map to the Certified Ethical Hacker V10 Course. Each subscription provides 6 months of access to 107 Different Exercises. Each exercise contains a Scenario, Objectives, and individual step by step tasks to guide the user through all steps necessary to complete the exercise.
Lab exercises are included for:
- Footprinting and Reconnaissance
- Scanning Networks
- Enumeration
- Vulnerability Analysis
- System Hacking
- Malware Threats
- Sniffing
- Social Engineering
- Denial of Service
- Session Hijacking
- Evading IDS Firewalls and Honeypots
- Hacking Web Servers
- Hacking Web Applications
- SQL Injection
- Hacking Wireless Networks
- Hacking Mobile Platforms
- Cloud Computing
- Cryptography